Vixian - Blood Eagle
Last updated
Rei - 102-RE
# **Vratixan Blood Eagle AKA Vixian**
The **Vratixan blood eagle** was a [species]( "Species/Legends") of [bird]( "Bird/Legends") native to the [rainforests]( "Jungle/Legends") of the [Inner Rim]( "Inner Rim/Legends") [planet]( "Planet/Legends") [Thyferra]( "Thyferra/Legends"). The birds had a wingspan of over four [meters]( "Meter/Legends") and were covered in waxy [red]( "Color/Legends") feathers. Blood eagles had curved, red beaks and huge talons that were able to grab a fully grown member of the [sentient]( "Sentience/Legends") [Vratix]( "Vratix/Legends") [species]( "Species/Legends"), which grew to an average height of 1.8 meters. The blood eagles flew over Thyferra's [trees]( "Tree/Legends") and [alazhi]( "Alazhi/Legends") fields searching for [food]( "Foodstuff/Legends"). When they found prey, the eagles dove and snatched it up. If the target possessed [armor]( "Armor/Legends"), the eagles would use their beaks to beat it against rocks.
Their temperament is vivid and although they’re not known to be extremely vicious, they are territorial. A tamed Vratixan can be used for numerous things but often at times it’s renowned that they’re perfect candidates to take out snipers from nests or high up positioned personnel and this is due to their capabilities to pick up individuals which weigh a maximum of 280 pounds - with the amount of wind able to be conjured beneath those wings.
\- Wing span of 3 Meters\
\- Height of 1 Meter\
\- Talons sharp enough to grip through medium armour\
\- Scoped vision which is able to see upto a mile ahead\
Just like all Rei’s companions, Vixian is equip with a holo collar which is customized to cause a high-pitched frequency to harm eardrums upon a fly by and also holds a small EMP charge which can be used to put out electronics for a short duration of time - taking perhaps an hour to recharge during her flight,\
using the power of the wind through the mechanical system of the collar, just like wind turbines. Vixian’s main reason for being used in the field is for her aerial surveillance and need to put out electrical systems for a small duration in order for her agent owner to get around unseen.