Cresi | Rei's most trusted companion
Mantessan Panthac AKA Cresi
A creature from the forest world of Mantessa, the Mantessan panthac was one of its most dangerous predators. The fierce pack animal was so deadly that several attempts to breed it offworld caused severe destruction to the native fauna of planets where it was raised.
The Orange Panthacs, were named after the animal.
It also spawned the phrase "A panthac doesn't change its stripes". It's unclear whether this striped version of a panthac was a different species, sub-species, the product of the experiments which are conducted by biologists. Cresi, Rei’s most trusted companion is an off-spring from these sub-species and that calculated the reasoning behind her difference in looks, strength, even size.
- Length just over a meter
- Height as an adult is four foot
- Able to lock the jaw upon biting
- Upper tusks so sharp, they can sink through light-medium armour
- Full run speed is 86 MPH (with enough space)
- Muscular body and thick hide
Cresi is equip with a holo-collar, which records and also can be used as a standard holo-transmission device. The collar is mostly used to track the beasts movements which relays a mapped out path of where she has been, causing it to upload to Rei’s personal datapad, much like a surveillance camera; aslong as this is active and on the Panthac, Rei is able to see who is around her and if chosen, it’ll bleep to indicate that recording mode is activated. The beast also wears a body-padded harness which protects her torso, back and front legs from lethal damage such as vibroblades and substained blasterfire (to a degree) - It does NOT protect against sharpnel or explosive damage, her vital importance to being used in battle is information gathering due to her speed and also, shock and awe tactics, quick attacks, diversion tactics to allow troops along with Rei to get the upper hand.
Picture above is a showcase on how Cresi looks to the naked eye.